Tuesday, January 24, 2006

confessions of 1-24-06

I received a present in the mail today, a book from Nicole. For those who don't know her, she was our nanny for the past 17 months and lived in our home for the past 8-9 months. I really cannot do this book justice. I read it on the way to basketball and cheer practice with the kids. In the Boston Market drive thru to be specific. By the time I got to the window to pick up my food my eyes were all red and swollen from crying. I will have to post the layouts and letters into my blog tomorrow.
I've got to go to sleep. It's 10:20 and in my pathetic little world that means I must be asleep so that I can awaken at 5:30. Please, Lord, wake me up tomorrow morning. This morning I just couldn't stay awake through my quiet time to save my life!
Have a great evening!