Friday, March 31, 2006


Okay, so Caleb had been washed, taken out of the tub, dried, put into clean warm fuzzy
jammies and "set aside" while Nicole washed
Luke's hair. Suddenly, to hear her version of the
story, "splash!" and cute little dry baby was still
cute, but no longer dry and the jammies -- not
so fuzzy any more.

Pictures and events from Thursday 3/30/06.

Nicole took this picture Wednesday night after Luke had eaten Chocolate ice-cream. We laughed so hard because he looks like we painted a little brown mustache and goatee on his face when in reality he just shoved the ice-cream in as fast as it would go and this was the result!

I am Blessed!

This picture is from Christmas Eve, but it reminds me of how blessed I truly am.
Enough said.

I found my blog!

Okay, what kind of idiot totally loses a blog? I mean, I'm not sure what kind of brain it takes to do something like this. It is in keeping with the rest of my life at the moment, though. I feel like I should have a tatoo across my forehead which reads, "I swear, I was an intelligent being before giving birth to my four children". To be honest, it wasn't the first one that did it to me. Or even the second. But somewhere after either my third or fourth child, my brain disappeared. It didn't go all at once, but a little at a time. "Like sand through the hour-glass, so go the brain cells of my brain..." (follow with theme music from Days) (either you get that one or you don't)
Anyway, I plan to use this blog much more frequently now that I have relocated it. (thanks to another scrapper from who linked me here again through her own blog).
Now, I just need to figure out how to change the title, the color, the layout and the homepage link so I can have two...